Thursday, October 25, 2012

Télécharger The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles"

Télécharger The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles"

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The Songwriting Secrets of the

The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles"

The Songwriting Secrets of the

Télécharger The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles"

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The Songwriting Secrets of the

More than thirty years after The Beatles split up, the music of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison lives on. What exactly were the magical ingredients of those legendary songs? why are they still so influential for today's bands? This groundbreaking book sets out to exlore The Beatles' songwriting techniques in a clear and readable style. It is aimed not only at musicians but anyone who has ever enjoyed the work of one of the most productive and successful songwriting partnerships of the 20th century. Author Dominic Pedler explains the chord sequences, melodies and harmonies that made up The Beatles' self penned songs and how they uncannily complemented the lyrical themes. He also assesses the contributions that rhythm, form and arrangement made to the Beatles unique sound. Throughout the book the printed music of the Beatles' songs appears alongside the text, illustrating the authors explanations. The Songwriting Secrets of The Beatles is an essential addition to Beatles literature - a new and perceptive analysis of the music itself itself as performed by what Paul McCartney still calls 'a really good, tight little band'.

I started taking guitar lessons when I was 8 years old. I am now 63. I've been beating on a guitar for a while now. I gave up lessons and learning theory as soon as that first little Honey smiled at me, as I was strumming the chords to Louie Louie at a party. I had a great little Rock & Roll combo and the world was right, I thought. However, all these years later I knew there was something missing in my playing. I felt as if I was greatly limited in my overall understanding of my most beloved, my music. There was something missing, it was the theory. The ability to go deeply into the different scales and create my songs with the complete ability that professional songwriters have used forever. To write harmony and to construct the many different chords needed to make a song great instead of just common blather, is my goal and my absolute need.This book arrived maybe two weeks ago. I decided I would knuckle down and do it. One hour a day would be good, I ordered myself. The first day, 5 hours passed like the drop of a hat. Every day since then, I have spent hours engrossed in the best educational volume on music theory I have ever used. I've tried others but they just didn't capture me. Since I was 8 years old, when the Beatles hit the planet with the sheer force of an I-TOMIC BOMB, I have loved their music so it is a complete joy to listen to the songs (examples) on Youtube while studying and to be able to actually recognize what they are doing. Don't be misled, however, this book isn't completely about the Beatles themselves, it is about music theory and how the collective genius called the Beatles used and shaped their music with this theory, to write the greatest catalog on the planet. It is very revealing on how great music is written and how I can do that too. This book will advance your years in any chosen music style, even Nashville songwriting such as, "If That Is Love Calling, Take A Message." LOL!The first chapter gave me a HOLY MOLY! moment. Modulation. I wrote a song a while back and I had the need to modulate at a certain point. I tried like heck for hours but couldn't get it just right. (No theory to back me) I set it aside for a while. After reading and studying chapter one, the song is done.It is good to have some theory under your belt but if not, the Appendixes in the back of the book will bring you up to speed. Mr. Pedler thought of everything. When I complete another day of study with this book, I am filled with satisfaction for what I am learning. I love it! Not many books have done that for me!Let me take this opportunity to thank Dominic Pedler on this Amazing volume. Well done sir! Well done.

I bought the hardcover version of this book a few years ago, and now I bought it for my Kindle, because (1) the hardcover is large, and I want to carry it with me, and (2) I'm getting older, and my eyesight is not so good, so I can enlarge the font size on the Kindle.That said, I've been enjoying and learning from this book for years. I've started at the beginning and read my way into this book several times, and each time I understand more and get farther in. I don NOT have any previous education or training in music theory, but I have been trying to learn through the years, and this book helps make sense of the music and the theory.I've been arranging and playing Beatles tunes on guitar (and now ukulele) for over 40 years now, and while I can put together chords and melodies, and play them, I still wonder how they came up with many of those chord changes and progressions, the key changes ... like, where did this come from? How does that make sense? This book helps piece it all together.The book is well organized for people like me. It starts with the simple things (the V to I chord progression, the three-chord trick) and moves slowly forward and upward in complexity, taking one step (one chapter) at a time. There's a bunch of appendices, including the first one explaining some basics of music theory, maybe the best short explanation I've read anywhere.And it puts all these ideas in the context of music that I already know, so I can hear the examples of the theoretical points being made. The power of this book come from the interplay of the theory and the music, where the author uses each to explain the other. So you can think of this as a book using music theory to explain the Beatles' music, or as a book using the Beatles' music to illustrate music theory.Of course, Lennon and McCartney and Harrison didn't think about the music that they wrote and played in terms of the music theory presented in this book. Many of the "new" ideas that they brought to their songwriting were actually known tricks, bits and pieces that they took from their early repertoire of covers, and then mixed and matched into new combinations. An important part of their artistry was their ability to find which combinations "worked". This book brings that out, crediting the early pioneers pop and rock-n-roll, and also showing what the Beatles took from those early hits and how they fit those bits together.Besides the well-thought-out sequential organization of this book (going from simpler to more complex), the writing is well paced and accessible. Mr Pedlar doesn't drag points out overly long, nor does he rush through material or make sudden jumps. Given that the ideas and language of music theory are not particularly intuitive, his writing pace is comfortable and understandable.I have to read some parts several times to understand them, because I first have to understand the pieces, and then I have to understand the relationships between those pieces. That's what learning is about. I don't already know this stuff.So if you want to learn and understand music theory, and you're interested in learning and understanding the music of the Beatles, this is The Book.Read it. Study it. Enjoy it. Use it.IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: the e-book has LOTS of typographical and formatting errors when representing chords. The author uses Roman Numerals to show chord relations across keys, with capital Roman Numerals representing major chords and lowercase Roman Numerals representing minor chords. In the translation from the paper copy to the digital format, a LOT of the cases were lost or changed. So instead of reading what the author wrote and meant, you often have to stop and figure out what was intended before you can move on to get to the point. This happens repeatedly. I would GREATLY appreciate an edit, correction, and reissue of the digital version of this book. More so as my ageing vision has difficulty with the (small) print version, and digital books allow for increasing text size to match the readers' needs.

I'd give 6 out of 5 stars if I could. It was worth having shipped from the UK to US.I've played guitar for 25+ years and have read many, many books on "applied" music theory. For me, the greatest challenge in other texts is "hearing" the numerical chord changes in my head. While I understand these concepts and musical transitions from a learned-by-ear approach, I was never one that could say, "that's the iv-chord moving to the I-chord to the V7-chord."The Beatles catalog is so well known, it provides examples of all the numerical chord changes in famous, well-know Beatles songs. This makes learning the concepts much easier since there are famous examples that can easily be sung along to (mentally), while examining the explanation.Easy to read, great presentation, amazing information. Beyond the technical music theory I'm learning, I continue to be truly amazed at the Beatles ability to learn a "tool" and apply it in musical perfection.GREAT BOOK.

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The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles" PDF

The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles" PDF
The Songwriting Secrets of the "Beatles" PDF

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